Thursday, April 20, 2006

Verks du Arte

This blogspot was created to showcase my illustrated works, and to act as an anchor for my consciousness in the New World Library.



Above: This is a character named 'Roul' from my new Graphic Novel project.

Above: This is a character named 'Litany' from my new Graphic Novel project.

Above: This is the cover page for The Empowered, a comic-book published by McMaster University for their Disabilities Awareness campaign in 2005.

Above: This the end-page from The Empowered.

Above: The cast of The Empowered.

Above: My character design for a Rexall Pharamcy international TV spot ad, 2005/2006.

Above: This is the final cast of my drawing for the Rexall TV spot ad.

Above: Illustrator, Faktory Girl comic-book.

Above: Illustrator, The Formula comic-book.

Above: Illustrator, The Formula comic-book.

Above: Illustrator, The Formula comic-book.

Above: Illustrator, Faktory Girl comic-book.

Above: Illustrator, Faktory Girl comic-book. The heroine, in the 'flesh'.

Above: A stylized portrait of my wife, Katherine.

Note: All images are protected by copyright, and are the exclusive property of Kevin Price, McMaster University, Gordon Sheridan, Resistance Comics, and/or their respective owner(s). These images are not to be copied, duplicated, downloaded, or altered in any way, without express permission from the artist and/or owner(s).

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